
DIY Candle Jar Storage

A while back, I remember seeing a tutorial for how to get that last remaining bit of wax out of an old candle jar. The idea was to get the wax out in order to be able to use the jar for another purpose. I believe at first I just pinned the idea and forgot about it for a long time.

As someone who loves candles (and used to be an avid candle maker as a child, much to my mothers dismay) I had a ton of old candle jars available for me to use! I started using them to store any number of things and love that they can be recycled in this way. You’re essentially getting free storage. I use mine for spices, popcorn, and baking ingredients in the kitchen. In the bathroom/my vanity I use them to store cotton balls, nail files, my makeup brushes and dried rose petals.

It’s very simple to do. Once the candle has burnt down to the bottom of the wick, but the candle in the freezer. Once cold enough, the wax will either pop out, or you will have to use a knife to pry out the remaining pieces. Once the wax is all out, I found that its best to then boil water and fill the jar to the top. After the water has cooled enough for you to touch, dump the water out and you should now be able to get your jar sparkling clean using soap and water. Dry the candle jar out, and voila - you now have a jar (possibly with a lid) that you can use to store anything your heart desires. Most of mine are from Bath and Body works, so there are a few of them that do not have lids. These are the ones that work best for things like makeup brushes and cotton balls. I used the ones that did have lids for anything in my kitchen.

Take a look and see what I’ve done so far with my repurposed candle jars:


I think these are a great alternative to buying small storage containers!

Try this simple DIY next time you have an old candle on your hands, and let me know how it goes!

xo, tess.

2 responses to “DIY Candle Jar Storage”

  1. […] For my second quick DIY, I used some gold spray paint to create a set of 3 glass storage jars to house my cotton balls, cotton pads and q-tips. They are all candle jars from Bath & Body works that I’ve cleaned out and repurposed. P.S, for more repurposing ideas for your old candles, check out my post here! […]

  2. […] For my second quick DIY, I used some gold spray paint to create a set of 3 glass storage jars to house my cotton balls, cotton pads and q-tips. They are all candle jars from Bath & Body works that I’ve cleaned out and repurposed. P.S, for more repurposing ideas for your old candles, check out my post here! […]

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